Sunday, June 12, 2011

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  • coolngood4u80
    12-09 10:51 AM
    Its very close may pass the cloture vote..

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  • lostinbeta
    10-21 03:40 AM
    Wow. I first got a computer when I was :::thinking::: 14 (?)

    I had a 100mhz with 32Mb Ram and Windows 95. It was awful, but that was when I used MS Paint.

    Those of you who dont know what MS Paint is... it is a paint programs supplied with every copy of the Windows OS.

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  • tnite
    07-26 09:50 AM
    Just noticed that my lawyer has attached marriage certificate of my co-worker in the dependendent's petition. I am waiting for the receipt.

    What are the impacts of this mistake? To compound the issue, my wife is flying out next week for a month to India.

    Gurus any answers on this is deeply appreciated.

    You will gen a RFE and while sending the RFE response make sure you write a nice letter to USCIS mentioning that the law offices screwed it up.

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  • rameshk75
    02-14 06:45 PM
    i agree with crystal. If you are not yet married, i would advice to get married soon. Once if you plan to jump on EAD, it is not easy to come back to H1. If you apply for h1 extension, you have get it stamped..


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  • belmontboy
    09-21 07:09 PM
    Hi, I am from India and applied for GC under priority date is 01-21-2-2007.I filed concurrently I-140 and I-485 in july 2007. got my EAD and using it.EAD is valid for one more year.I-485 is still pending. my wife have filed a case against me in India.The indian court issued non bailable arrest warrent against me. I am not going to India to attend the court proceedings.Now the proceedings and non bailable arrest warrent against me is pending in indian court since 2 years. my indian passport has impounded by ministry of external affairs, India. The interpol in india has sent extradition papers to Interpol, washington D.C. there is no red corner notice issued against me. my questions are:

    1. if My wife informs USCIS that the court proceedings and non bailable warrents are pending against me in Indian court, and my passport was also impounded by gove of india, does the USCIS reject my green card?

    2) as my record is with interpol, washington D.c , when FBI name checks happens, does FBI find my name in interpol data base and inform USCIS about it?

    3) As I applied green card based on my Indian passport, when my passport is under inpounded status , does USCIS consider my passport status to issue gC?.

    Kindly advise me.
    Thanks in advance.

    Are there any cash rewards for catching you? :D

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  • kirupa
    04-25 10:04 PM
    No I haven't - it'll be a few days before I get the time to add the stamps up :P


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  • student79
    03-27 11:00 AM
    Thanks so much bajjuri77.

    One more question, If I need to add my parents also as a sponsor for the fee/expense for my wife, but they are in India how do I show there bank statement as that will be in Indian Rupees and what documents they I need to get from them to show to INS at the time of status change from H4 to F1.

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  • gnrajagopal
    08-18 11:57 PM
    So you are saying the mail welcoming you as a permanent resident may not be confirmation of GC?

    Come on. Dont be dumb.

    Alright man, point taken.....
    :) it was hard to believe, but looks like there is hope for NSC Filers.


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  • venkat1247
    10-29 03:26 PM
    hi i got the some question how to open NRI acc

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  • vasa
    07-13 11:55 PM
    done, it shows 2038 signatures now...

    keep doing this folks.. we need a multi-pronged approach...

    let there be "shock and awe"


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  • senthil
    01-30 07:47 AM
    seem like you clearly know the reason what caused this. as mentioned by our friends, right supporting documents and a good attorney should get your job done like a piece of cake. good luck.

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  • thankgod
    04-25 10:50 AM
    Send him to your own country. America has its own problems.

    It cant accomodate the theifs like your son.

    People like your son giving wrong impression on the immigrants.


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  • sathishav
    06-01 09:03 AM
    This is true for most full time positions. I used to work for Wachovia and after merger with Wells Fargo they even withdrew approved I-140s, refused to file responses for perm audits and off course start new GC process. I left after working from them for 5 years. Idea is not to scare you, but just be careful. As someone adviced above, give you best shot in interviews and once you have an offer ask them to confirm in writing that they will process GC in EB2 immediately on joining. Dont join if they dont give you firm assurance. And once you join, start working on this process immediately.

    Can't agree more. That is the issue with large companies. If you have a very, very unique skill set and your Manager is very strong that helps. Even that is out of the window in case of acquisition's/bankruptcies (don't see both happening to Oracle though). They even withdraw H1, if you have filed one after layoff.

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  • sarasuva
    01-30 12:57 AM
    Any advise/guidance on this issue guys?


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  • Gravitation
    04-09 05:00 AM,8599,1607940,00.html

    President Bush returns to the Mexico border at Yuma, Arizona,� Monday to reprise last year's role as buggy-riding border sheriff. And as with every piece of White House theater, this one has a very specific audience in mind: the anti-immigration right wing of the Republican party. It is this deeply skeptical crowd Bush must win over if he is to get the last potential domestic policy achievement of his presidency: "comprehensive immigration reform." And, with Congress' summer recess and the 2008 presidential primaries approaching, time is running out.

    Bush will spend most of his time in Yuma talking about his achievements in combatting illegal immigration: nearly doubling the number of border guards, funding hundreds of miles of border fence, a significant uptick in border arrests and so on. He'll also talk about progress in cracking down on illegal hiring of undocumented workers by restaurants, hotels, construction and food processing plants, among other employers. Burnishing his credentials as a law-and-order border guard is key to the effort.

    But the President's "comprehensive" reform includes more than border security, and that's where conservative skepticism comes in. His proposals, unveiled to Democrats for the first time two weeks ago, aim to create not just tougher border security and tighter domestic enforcement at work sites, but also a new guest worker program and a solution for the 11-12 million illegal immigrants in the country. Though these goals� are associated with a softer line on immigration, under his new plan, Bush has played to the hardline consensus among Republicans on these issues too.

    Although the plan does create a guest worker program, Democrats and Republicans familiar with it say it would not offer new guest workers a faster track to citizenship than any other foreigner trying to become an American. And while the plan does offer a path to citizenship for the millions of illegal immigrants already in the country, it sets high hurdles: They would be sent to the end of the line of those applying for citizenship, would have to pay heavy fines for the years they have been in the country, would have to show that they have held a job while here, pay full back-taxes on their earnings and pass an English exam. And in a major departure from U.S. immigration policy as it has existed since 1965, the plan would do away with citizenship for their family members.

    Even as Bush struts and frets on the GOP stage, Senator Edward Kennedy is doing the same for his audience, the pro-immigration left, which is calling for full amnesty for the illegal immigrants, a liberal guest worker program and broad new thresholds for immigration in coming years. Kennedy's staff says Bush will have to make concessions before Kennedy will sign up for the President's plan, and they insist the Massachusetts Senator won't back down on such core principles as reunification for immediate family members.

    Yet, for all the appearance of conflict between the two men, each is well aware that he needs to the other to get an immigration reform bill passed � that's why they've been in deep discussions on the issue since the start this year. The positions each is taking now are less oriented towards coercing the other side than towards securing maximum support from within their own party. By giving the appearance of a deep Democrat-Republican divide, they increase the chances of winning their skeptics over to a compromise. Bush and Kennedy will have more leeway to make small concessions on fines or family reunification if each has the extremes of his own party on board.�

    It's a smart strategy, but it faces tough challenges, as both men are finding it harder to rally even centrist support than it was a year ago. Thanks to the 2008 elections, two key Republican� backers of last year's effort at immigration reform, John McCain and Sam Brownback, have disappeared down the campaign trail. McCain had previously united with Kennedy to form a central Senate bloc for a compromise, while Brownback played a key role representing the compassionate right. Mel Martinez, a key Hispanic Republican voice in the debate, has also gone quiet since taking over the Republican National Committee.
    For his part, Kennedy must deliver Democrats who in strictly political terms have no reason to back reform. The new Congress, under Democratic control, has had a very effective three-month run blocking Bush on everything from domestic proposals to foreign affairs and the war in Iraq. Handing the president a win on a major issue like immigration reform in the run up to the 2008 elections might be good policy, but it would be bad politics.

    At some point between now and the end of May, when Senate majority leader Harry Reid has said the Senate will vote on immigration reform, the theater will end and real negotiating will begin. But with thin centrist backing, skeptical party extremes, and very little time to negotiate it will take more than compelling theater to get the deal done.

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  • ragz4u
    05-15 05:33 AM
    Credit goes to Learning01 for initiating contact with Bloomberg and helping us with this


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  • transpass
    02-19 05:44 PM
    Your lawyer does not know what he is talking about. There is no need to do anything. If you were on H1-B and still working at the same company, you are still under H1-B not under EAD no matter how you entered the USA.
    You will lose H1B status if and ONLY IF, you use EAD.

    AP is only a re-entry permit and has no effect on your immigration status.

    Vivek Dude, I don't know about that...

    After speaking to my lawyer, it is my understanding that when you use EAD or AP, you are no longer on H1 and it is considered AOS. However, you can reapply for H1 after you use your AP...As far as I know AP does have an affect on your immigration status...Please someone correct me if you know for sure that AP does not affect H1/H4 status...

    For the OP, please consult with other lawyers or chat with someone on free immigration lawyer chat forums...

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  • hope_4_best
    05-14 03:16 PM
    Can someone confirm if finger printing required for both paper (by mail) and on-line AP application? Somewhere I read that finger printing is required only for on-line applicants. Is that true?

    It will save me lot of trouble as my nearest INS office for finger printing is about 150 miles away.

    Thanks in advance.

    Paper filed EAD (two times) and AP (one time). Didn't get FP notice. Got approval smoothly.
    No experience with e-file.

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  • amitga
    02-15 09:30 AM
    If she worked in India in past 3 years for at least 1 year for the same organization. She can get a L1 Visa and then get the GC processed on EB1 category. She will get her GC in 7-8 months.


    Please advise.
    Can a spouse of Green card holder get an H1b visa.
    Spouse is currently studying MBA final sem.
    She has 3 year industry work experience.

    An US based corporation might be willing to sponser her h1b visa because she has worked for their indian counterparty.

    The question :
    Her husband is a green card holder and she must disclose it either on the H1B petition or at the time of visa interview.
    What are chances of her obtaining h1b visa ?
    I heard H1B is a dual intent visa.

    Thanks in advance for your time and efforts on this issue.


    08-24 02:59 PM
    Guys, please read the procedure in post1. You are supposed to send the question via email, not post it here.

    01-20 12:30 PM
    I got RFE for my spouse in August 2008 for I-485 regrading the marriage certificate and still the status hasn't got updated, called several times USCIS but no luck.

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