Sunday, June 12, 2011

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  • anda007
    07-09 03:30 PM
    I spoke to this journalist for almost 20 minutes
    She is awesome and really really listens to you and gets a lot of information to you
    She is interested in talking more people and also if possible with other ASIAN people (Chinese/Taiwanese/Pakistanis), who are in the same boat
    Call her and she picks up the call.

    Originally Posted by test101
    I found this in the one of the forums.. please people contact the report have people hear us.

    Story for the Washington Post


    Hi all,

    I'm a reporter with the Washington Post. If your efforts result in Emilio Gonzalez receiving hundreds of flowers tomorrow, I would very much like to do a story on it. If you're interested in speaking with me and telling me your story and why you've decided to participate in this demonstration, please give me an email or call me. My contact information is below.

    office phone: 202 334 6701

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  • willwin
    05-14 12:43 PM
    Now you dont have even option to get EAD so I would say stick with CP.

    Thanks for your reply. I fully understand how CP and 485 route works and differs. All that I am asking is now that we know EB3 I is going to take 3-4 years to move past a year worth of filing, can we do something to CP filers?

    Or, are CP filers (who are already working in the US) such a minority that they can be ignored?

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  • vbkris77
    01-25 05:02 PM
    It is upto employer lawyer to help.. It is a bad remark on the company.. So approach your company and have them work with consulate..

    I am in a distress please help me. I attended the US consulate for a new H1B Visa. The visa was refused under 221(g). The reason mentioned for the refusal was:

    Your petitioner does not appear to be either able or willing to provide qualifying employment in the United States in accordance with appropriate laws and regulations.

    VO mentioned the documents will be sent back to USCIS. Pretty much kept all the documents like I-797, I 129, petition documents, certificates, client agreement, etc.

    They mentioned the candidate profile is good but they have doubts about the employer. As far as I know and through my research the employer is good and have all the necessary documents correct. There is nothing wrong in the documentation and every thing is as per stipulated guidelines.

    The employer has a good employeee strength and I had good feed back from other employees as well. I am pretty sure the employer is in a position to employ and provide the salary. I do not know on what basis the USCIS has come to conclusion that the employer is not qualified. Only few days back there were two visas granted for the same employer.

    Please advise me what to do next. I need to do things urgently as I do not have enough time left (only few months ) on the H1 B Validity.

    1. Do I need to send a mail to Consulate asking the specific reasons for denial?

    2. Do I need to write to the senator or some one about this?

    3. Do I need to consult an attorney about and re-request for a review of the petition?

    4. Do I need to ask the employer anything specific.

    I have been banking on this opportunity for the last two years and had planned everything hoping everything will go smooth. I am in a distress. Please advise me the next steps urgently so I dont loose the opportunity.

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  • chanduv23
    07-11 01:57 PM
    Congrats - Bush will sign ur Green Card :D :D


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  • freddy22
    04-25 02:32 PM
    Thats why If you dont want to live here, move out. Why are you yelling here.

    First control your son for his stupid behaviour. Then start talking about america.

    I looked into all your old posts. See your son is involved in how many felonies

    1 felony on record;

    no FELONIES...
    and remember this DUFUS it was US from England that discovered YOUR country...not AMERICANS
    So stuff that where it needs to be stuffed

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  • Aah_GC
    10-26 03:15 PM
    I wonder why she would have to get her H4 stamped? If she has an EAD and the AP - she should just use that. Isn't AP meant just for that? - To ignore the stamping hassle and just return safe.


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  • shana04
    07-31 12:40 PM

    I know most of you might be busy looking for the bill.

    Please post your exp with infopass in Dallas TX

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  • MightyIndian
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    see my signature


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    03-22 12:20 PM
    AILA Leadership Has Just Posted the Following:
    "We pushed back on the undue influence of special interests," President Obama said. "We didn't give in to mistrust or to cynicism or to fear. Instead, we proved that we are still a people capable of doing big things."

    The President was talking about the historic healthcare overhaul that passed the House 219-212 last night and is now headed to his desk for signature. Let's hope his statement foreshadows what he will say about immigration reform in the months to come. The healthcare battle demonstrated the fight for immigration reform will be tough. But we knew that. Now, at least, we know that an immigration overhaul is possible.

    It was symbolic that Sunday's immigration reform rally in Washington, which according to reports was tens of thousands strong, was overshadowed by the drama that played out in the Congress over the healthcare bill. Since the Administration took office in 2009, immigration reform has played second fiddle to the overhaul of the healthcare system. But now that healthcare reform has become a reality, it is time for the Administration and Congress to get to the hard work of overhauling our badly broken immigration system.

    The dysfunctional immigration system is a cancer that whittles away at the very fabric of our cherished democratic values every day it continues to fester. Each time an outstanding scientist, innovative business investor, or creative professional is turned away from our country because of inadequate visa numbers or restrictionist agency enforcement America's competitive edge is further weakened. Our nation's ability to compete in a global economy demands transnational employment. Each immigrant that is locked up due to draconian mandatory detention laws, without so much as the right to see a judge, demonstrates that the rights of all Americans are threatened by bad immigration laws. Each undocumented child who is denied a higher education or a chance to serve our country is evidence that the broken immigration system has transformed the American Dream into a nightmare for some of America's most promising children.

    Senators Graham and Schumer began to put pen to paper last week by laying out a four pillared framework for immigration reform: ending illegal employment through biometric Social Security cards, enhancing border and interior enforcement, managing the flow of future immigration to correspond to economic realities, and creating a tough but fair path toward legalization for the 11 million people currently in the U.S. without authorization. While I have serious questions about a couple of the proposals�the biometric Social Security card raises important privacy concerns for example�I am encouraged that with the passage of healthcare reform immigration will now move to the front burner. Hopefully, Senators Graham and Schumer (and President Obama) took a few minutes Sunday morning to read Tom Friedman's excellent piece in the New York Times about a dinner he attended last week for the finalists of the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search, which, through a national contest, identifies and honors the top math and science high school students in America. As Friedman writes, most finalists were from immigrant families:

    Indeed, if you need any more convincing about the virtues of immigration, just come to the Intel science finals. I am a pro-immigration fanatic. I think keeping a constant flow of legal immigrants into our country � whether they wear blue collars or lab coats � is the key to keeping us ahead of China. Because when you mix all of these energetic, high-aspiring people with a democratic system and free markets, magic happens. If we hope to keep that magic, we need immigration reform that guarantees that we will always attract and retain, in an orderly fashion, the world's first-round aspirational and intellectual draft choices.

    This isn't complicated. In today's wired world, the most important economic competition is no longer between countries or companies. The most important economic competition is actually between you and your own imagination. Because what your kids imagine, they can now act on farther, faster, cheaper than ever before � as individuals. Today, just about everything is becoming a commodity, except imagination, except the ability to spark new ideas.

    If I just have the spark of an idea now, I can get a designer in Taiwan to design it. I can get a factory in China to produce a prototype. I can get a factory in Vietnam to mass manufacture it. I can use to handle fulfillment. I can use to find someone to do my logo and manage by backroom. And I can do all this at incredibly low prices. The one thing that is not a commodity and never will be is that spark of an idea. And this Intel dinner was all about our best sparklers.

    Before the dinner started, each contestant stood by a storyboard explaining their specific project. Namrata Anand, a 17-year-old from the Harker School in California, patiently explained to me her research, which used spectral analysis and other data to expose information about the chemical enrichment history of "Andromeda Galaxy." I did not understand a word she said, but I sure caught the gleam in her eye.

    My favorite chat, though, was with Amanda Alonzo, a 30-year-old biology teacher at Lynbrook High School in San Jose, Calif. She had taught two of the finalists. When I asked her the secret, she said it was the resources provided by her school, extremely "supportive parents" and a grant from Intel that let her spend part of each day inspiring and preparing students to enter this contest. Then she told me this: Local San Jose realtors are running ads in newspapers in China and India telling potential immigrants to "buy a home" in her Lynbrook school district because it produced "two Intel science winners."

    Seriously, ESPN or MTV should broadcast the Intel finals live. All of the 40 finalist are introduced, with little stories about their lives and aspirations. Then the winners of the nine best projects are announced. And finally, with great drama, the overall winner of the $100,000 award for the best project of the 40 is identified. This year it was Erika Alden DeBenedictis of New Mexico for developing a software navigation system that would enable spacecraft to more efficiently "travel through the solar system." After her name was called, she was swarmed by her fellow competitor-geeks.

    Gotta say, it was the most inspiring evening I've had in D.C. in 20 years. It left me thinking, "If we can just get a few things right � immigration, education standards, bandwidth, fiscal policy � maybe we'll be O.K." It left me feeling that maybe Alice Wei Zhao of North High School in Sheboygan, Wis., chosen by her fellow finalists to be their spokeswoman, was right when she told the audience: "Don't sweat about the problems our generation will have to deal with. Believe me, our future is in good hands."

    As long as we don't shut our doors.

    More... (

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  • hur11
    01-22 10:29 PM
    The way u r replying seems to be u r one of those in that frustated waiting list. I only can wish u the best.


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  • bestia
    07-17 02:48 AM
    cover letter doesn't matter. they don't want it, more over you made officer read extra page of stuff... :) creating backlogs :)

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  • jonty_11
    09-21 03:07 PM
    u have to be in a similar at time ur GC gets approved..if not then it will be rejected..

    in shorrt u have to find another job


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  • gchopefull
    12-17 12:39 PM
    my current employer filed for my labor in march 2005, got approved in march 2007, filed I-140 in April 2005,and while I-140 was pending filed I-485 in july fiasco. In sep-2007 got intent to deny of I-140 based on A2P(ability to pay), employer filed M.T.R in October 2007. I have my fingered crossed looking at the financial statment from employer for the year 2005. chances are the MTR will be denied too. Now I have a new job offer from another employer who is willing to do new H1b for me and may be a labor petition too. the question is I want to see what comes out of the current MTR. Here is the question;
    1/- if I tell the current employer to contine the process(which I dont think he will have problem with) and join the job on h1b will my I-485 status be changed or will it effects the current process?
    2/- I am currently runnig on sixth year of h1b and my current visa expires in 2010 bades on the pending process with current employer. if I join the new employer on h1b what will be the H1b status will be?
    thanks for the answers in advaced

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  • lagsam
    12-17 05:09 PM
    According to my daughter, they did not ask anything.

    She traveled separately from me.


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  • vinzen
    08-14 10:55 PM

    NSC - I485 - Sep 15 2007
    TSC - I485 - Aug 30 2007


    Hello guys ,

    New member here. I have been watching the forums occassionally. My PD is June 2002 EB3 and here is my situation from USCIS case status:

    1. I first applied for I765 and I485 on 08/10/2007 and got EAD for 1 year. According to my status was "APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION".
    2. Then I by myself applied for renewal of EAD exactly after 1 year on 08/19/2008 and got EAD approved for 3 years. According to, the form that I applied for was I765 and status again was "APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION".

    These were the only two entries on my status on So far so good.

    3. I decided to log on to this site this morning to check my status and saw a third entry in my case. It says the form number is I485 and they receieved it on 04/20/2009 and the case status is "APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS".
    I didnt do anything on 04/20/2009. So it seems like the I485 that I submitted along with I765 on 08/10/2007 was finally receieved by USCIS on 04/20/2009?. When I click on my case number, it says "On July 6, 2007, we received this I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS, and mailed you a notice describing how we will process your case." and that it is with Texas Service Center. I checked TSC timings and looks like they are at 08/30/2007. Is this the date they first receieved my application (July 6, 2007) or the last update date (04/20/2009 .... look at #3 above). If it is the latter, I am still three years behind. If it is the first application date, then I have some hopes.

    Sorry for the long post and to make you read all this. Any help will be appreciated.


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  • jaytubati
    05-12 09:14 PM
    gangadhargs ,

    Did you get for Finger printing for both I485 ?

    I got Finger printing for both. For the first I485 , I gave Finger printing in Mar 08. Now I got it for second.

    Please advise ...



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  • sheeba
    03-11 12:09 PM
    Indian applicants should check “Does Not Apply” to the prompt for “Full Name in Native Alphabet.”

    refer the website

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  • willigetagc
    07-17 09:29 AM
    Not entirely accurate. H visas have dual intent. You can tell them you will go on H1 and eventually get a GC and citizenship and the consulate cant do a thing. But if you are going for a tourist visa, then they will deny it. (But dont go and actually try saying something like that... you never know)

    Secondly, in the past filing LC was not proof of Immigration intent. It was I-140. I dont know what it is with PERM. But look at it this way, the first GC related document that reaches USCIS with your signature and name is the actual proof of intent. I wonder if that is still your I-140 application.

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  • nixstor
    09-23 04:46 PM
    You might get soft LUD's or hard LUD's. Even if CIS wanted to approve your application and requested for a visa number from DOS, DOS systems are not going to assign any visa number because DOS made them U and the case will have a pending visa number status. If there was any chance for overflow, we would have seen some date rather than U.

    04-16 02:24 PM
    hi friends,
    what happens if 485 gets denied for some reason like if the record is not clean or communicable diseases etc. does this mean our green card is rejected. actually my wife and myself entered the country on AP. but we have our H1 and H4 extension paper till dec 09. if by any case my GC gets denied r we out of status.
    any help is appreciated.

    if 485 gets denied due to an error, you can appeal...does not matter if you are on H-1b or EAD.

    If it gets denied due to a real problem, then appeals will not help. In such situations with a H1 you can stay until it is time for H1 renewal - if you want to.

    07-31 09:34 PM
    Dear All,
    Today, one of my Friend�s I-485 got returned from Mail room due to Filing fee missing.

    He is 100% sure that he attached 325$+70$ filing fee along with application, he has photocopy too to prove his stand.

    He is lucky, that he is re- filing it again, my question is , what happens, if the file get returned due to mail room clerks error . Can we refile again after 17th Aug,2007 ?

    What proof we have to make sure that we filed properly, will USCIS honor our proof ( that is photocopy of all the document we retain ) as a proof that we filed properly.

    Hi bijualex29,
    Can you please confirm with your friend whether his 140 LUD (Last Update Date) changed or not. I want to know whether they check our 140 status before or after the data entry.

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