Friday, June 3, 2011

justin bieber 2011 new haircut photo

justin bieber 2011 new haircut photo. justin bieber new haircut
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  • Yannick
    Sep 27, 11:36 AM
    That's better, not that it really matters... ;)

    Thanks for correcting this typo.

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  • Mattsasa
    Apr 5, 11:23 AM
    So Counsumerreports publishes that they can't recommend the iPhone 4 due to antenna. Then they later realized that they were dumb asses and the iPhone antenna issue is a non-issue. Now they can't just change their mind, that would make them look like an idiot, so they stayed stubborn saying the iPhone 4 had an antenna issue, because they were too stubborn to admit they were wrong.

    Now the iPad is out they are trying to prove to the media that they are not being biased against apple.

    However, the iPad 2 is the best tablet. That is just a no-brained

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  • AdamBOh3
    Mar 24, 01:19 PM
    I bet Apple keeps secrets better than the Government....

    1. Touche
    2. I knew a Steve Sparks from Alabama. Is this him?

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  • fourthtunz
    Sep 13, 04:06 PM
    I think peecees are a great value if, you aren't using pci cards and you build your own but I just got the new dual 867 and it rocks! If your doing video you should check out final cut pro on OSX.2 Very solid and very fast!
    I adimit I don't have the very newest pc with the newest apps but the reason the Mac is now an even better deal is the very real speed of the new Machines,the new OS, and the Included apps are very good. Final cut does not exist for the Pc, its nearest competitor, from avid is about $700 more and not as good,so if you factor in everything,the New Macs are the best values in a long time. It will be interesting to see what happens on both sides next year:D


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  • Lacero
    Sep 17, 11:00 AM
    How would one go about dating an Apple employee??
    Could you surreptitiously take a photo of her with an iSight and post her picture here? I wanna see just how gorgeous this girl is. Or what that be too much to ask?

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  • hulugu
    Apr 4, 01:02 PM
    The Laffer Curve makes sense. You find a balance and you have taxes that are low enough not to hinder the economy and high enough to fund the government. I really don't understand where this "keep lowering taxes" logic comes from. It certainly has nothing to do with the Laffer Curve.

    The Laffer Curve is often referenced, but you're correct about it's actual meaning. Some conservatives have taken the Curve to mean that lowering taxes will always bring about more revenue. Something this article is trying to address.

    I wasn't making that argument so I guess I was confused why it was brought up. I've only been making an argument that the article can't conclude cutting taxes resulted in the budget problem. A state may have cut taxes and their economy might not have improved since cutting taxes, but the author of the article needs to fill in the gap and explain why there is a correlation/causation.

    Negative correlation is very difficult to prove, but the article was merely noting that lowering taxes does not make for a rising economy. Obviously, we'd look to see if raising taxes improved the economy, and we might try to use some statistical methods to identify correlation.

    What's important is that many conservative politicians have been selling low taxes as a fix for state budgetary problems�Wisconsin is a good example�without acknowledging that such measure often don't work, especially in the short-term.

    I propose that you could run a state with some income tax or no income tax if the budget was made competently. So, IMO, cutting taxes does not, in and of itself, mean it has caused a budget shortfall. I personally think cutting taxes does help the economy but that's not what is at issue here.

    In the short-term, lowering taxes just takes money from the state purse and does not drive new economic development. In the mid-term and long-term, lower taxes may encourage growth, but there's not a direct connection between taxation and economic development. They are orthogonal elements.

    I have only a general understanding of the theories those guys you mentioned are famous for. I think Austrian economics make much more sense. A theory of how to get the maximum tax dollars out of the people is irrelevant to me. It's like studying how much blood you can drain from people while keeping them alive. My preferred income tax rate is 0.

    For the Red Cross, knowing that fact is infinitely useful. For government, some tax is necessary to maintain infrastructure, pay for public safety, and encourage a social society. The complicated part is how to get some money without adversely affecting the entire society.

    I don't mind paying taxes because I like good roads, working sewers, and schools. I also like national parks, museums and libraries. I don't mind paying for cops, firefighters, and department of environmental quality either. These are useful things that help me more than they cost to me personally and I would hesitate to argue that for nearly everyone this is true.

    I wouldn't have believed it 3 years ago but now I can say from experience that anyone can do it if that's what they want to do. It's all a matter of hard work and willingness to live cheaply. The only thing that might tie you down is a family. I live for traveling so I've just worked my life to be able to do what I like. 3 years ago I was a law school dropout with no prospects and a monthly loan repayment of $1100. The highest paying job I qualified for was tutoring.

    We should talk.

    I've traveled a lot and I'm hoping to do more once my son is a bit older.


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  • MacRumors
    Mar 19, 03:44 PM (

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  • Phil A.
    Dec 1, 09:18 AM
    Looks like the train has come to the end of the line: the website now just goes to a holding page


    justin bieber 2011 new haircut photo. JUSTIN BIEBER NEW HAIRCUT 2011

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Oct 26, 11:51 PM
    If you want just the email account then yes, .Mac is not worth it. That's the point. .Mac is more than email, and if you want an email address, get Gmail and hook it up into
    Are you saying you're happy it costs $99? You don't want to pay less, no? :rolleyes: The more complaining and bad feedback we give Apple that this service is simply too expensive the better, and the better chance we have they will begin to pay attention to loads ( of posts/blogs/and stories on this. I feel sick when I have to tell someone how much it costs. I mean they say .Mac syncing is included! You have to pay to sync computers that you payed money for, and worse still you have to give it to the company you bought the computers from?? Give me a break! GMail is free too. iWeb provides little bandwidth, and the whole this is wrapped-up with a tiny storage package. And I don't think the solution is for Apple to give us more storage. I would prefer a cheaper price to more storage any-day. If you want moe storage then you pay $99, otherwise this should cost no more than $49 per year. At the VERY MOST!!

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  • corbijnal
    Jan 6, 06:35 PM
    Not really sure of the point of push as emails come through about facebook activity anyway.....

    Contacts sync is an awesome idea though! Just did it and it downloads the photos and puts a link to the facebook page in each contact....

    It doesn't mess up your contacts at all!


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  • toddybody
    Apr 20, 09:19 AM
    Had to share this PIC from ENGADGET...

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  • gkarris
    Apr 7, 03:08 PM
    One thing I'm looking forward to on this, is its Virtual Console. With the higher rez screen it can handle the older SNES and Genesis titles.

    Any games scheduled for it? What about NEC TG games?

    Atari's Greatest Hits the buzz on the iPhone/Touch/iPad right now... ;)


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  • roadbloc
    May 6, 06:56 PM
    JOEG4?The guy is not a moron,he know what he wrote.Let us respect ourselves here.To call someone a moron is not good,I think you should apologize to the guy in question

    I think someone needs a new spacebar.

    justin bieber 2011 new haircut photo. justin bieber 2011 new haircut
  • justin bieber 2011 new haircut

  • Rdclark
    Apr 15, 11:55 AM
    In January Consumer Reports surveyed over 58,000 of its subscribers on the quality of their cell phone service, with categories for voice, data, customer service, and coverage.

    Both overall and localized for 26 different US cities, Verizon far outperformed AT&T in this survey.

    It's customary for the tech community to scoff at Consumer Reports' findings, and often with very good reason. But if you ask 58k people, mostly the sort of middle-class folks that are typical CR subscribers, how satisfied they are with their cell phone service, the results IMO can't be easily dismissed. In this large sample, far more people were very unhappy with AT&T than with Verizon.

    I found this -- as a person buying an iPad 2 as
    1. a netbook/iPad/GPS/e-reader replacement, who
    2. neither owns nor wants a smartphone, and who
    3. spends nearly 100% of his time in large American cities
    --to be a compelling argument in favor of Verizon. Far more compelling than any anecdotal evidence, which is all I see in this thread.

    After a month with my 64GB white 3g iPad, I've had no reason to regret my choice. Verizon has never failed to connect, never dropped a connection, never seemed particularly sluggish (although I wait for wifi to download large files), and their pricing seems to fit my usage patterns more economically than AT&T's would have.

    My point: it's possible for a rational person to research and analyze this question and come up with Verizon as an answer, and then be happy with that choice. Contrary to some assertions otherwise.


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  • aiqw9182
    Apr 25, 12:30 PM
    I'm expecting both a retail DVD release as well as a downloadable release. I'll personally be getting the DVD for easier install on multiple machines.

    justin bieber 2011 new haircut photo. justin bieber 2011 new haircut
  • justin bieber 2011 new haircut

  • Zen0Jin
    May 6, 03:34 PM
    So im wondering while i wait for my new imac what your idle/load temps are

    Would be super if you wrote which imac you have aswell.

    Wondering how much the 95w cpu does to the temp in the imac.

    Would love to hear idle/load gpu temps aswell :)

    RealTemp - Windows 7 - CPU hits 70C max on gaming.

    Haven't checked my GPU temps but they aren't high either.

    System doesn't even ramp its fans when gaming.

    In OSX - CPU idles at 36C, GPU idles at 46C from iStatPro. I don't do much on OSX, a Hulu flash video seems to peg the CPU at 2-10%...


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  • 2992
    Aug 19, 11:47 AM
    cannot log into the new version. Restored the previous one which works. Really weird...:o

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  • jwdsail
    Sep 25, 11:02 AM
    This is new (from the updated Aperture page)

    "Supporting every member of the Mac family, Aperture 1.5 runs on every desktop � from Mac mini to iMac to Mac Pro � and every notebook � including both the MacBook and MacBook Pro. So you can run Aperture at home or in your studio. And you can take all your photos with you on location or to a client�s office. Aperture and the Mac make one unstoppable team."


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  • 2IS
    Apr 21, 07:53 PM
    4S moniker should be reserved for Porsche

    Apr 25, 04:11 PM
    I would love a 15" MBA.

    Apr 13, 01:16 PM
    This is the primary design flaw with the iPad. This tablet can't be the normal person's computer unless every normal person has a tech friend/relative to keep the tablet working/updated. So while Woz is correct that the tablet will be the normal person's computer, Apple's iPad is not yet that tablet.

    I'd say that's also the primary design flaw of the PC, although it wasn't very hard to overcome. Every normal person DOES tend to have a tech friend/relative just to keep their PC working/updated. I'm that tech friend/relative in most of my social circles, and if you're posting here, you're sure to be one too.

    Feb 25, 08:41 AM
    Agree 100% - as I said in my original post, I don't think Apple are in any way culpable here: It's not their job to set prices for apps or in-app purchases. I also think Parents need to accept responsibility and watch their kids more carefully.

    My only issue with this is the exploitative behavior of the publishers of the Apps - I can't think of any reason for charging the huge prices they do apart from someone thinking "Some parents are dumb and won't know how to stop their kids spending huge wads of cash on in-app purchases. We can make loads of money by using this to our advantage".
    That shouldn't be what in-app purchases are used for: even if it doesn't break any rules, it's not at all ethical.
    I know businesses exist to make money, but they shouldn't do it in an unethical and immoral way IMO.

    Agree. Doesn't matter if parents are at fault or not, like most of the post are establishing, exploitative behavior should not be tolerated.

    Apr 5, 11:30 AM
    Wouldn't that be so annoying in the dark, like the backlight on the keyboard of a MBP when your watching a movie?

    Turn down the brightness. The HTC Touch pro could dim the leds. It used a capacitive bottom panel with buttons underneath, similar to the way that the Magic trackpads work. Maybe the whole bezel would be capacitive and the bottom portion would have an indent and a button, where you only go home with a firm press on the panel, and the home button lights up when you run your fingers over it?

    May 2, 01:49 PM
    i bet SJ was hyperventilating and staying up sleepless nights because they white iphone was thicker. finally after months he relented and allowed a thicker phone to go on sale

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