Friday, June 3, 2011

Jeong Il-woo reveals pet dog Ahwoo

Jeong Il-woo who played 'the scheduler' on SBS drama "49 Days" revealed his pet dog which was a gift from the fans.

Ahwoo is a pet dog he received from the fans as a gift at his fan meeting last year. He expressed his gratitude by naming the dog 'Ahwoo', meaning he will make the pet dog his younger brother.

Receiving all the affection, Ahwoo has grown so big and fans are happy to see that. When he was presented to Jeong Il-woo he was only a month or so old and was small enough to hold in the arms.
But now he had become so big it was hard to even carry him.

Recently Jeong Il-woo brought Ahwoo to and enterview and the dog got a flash parade.

Meanwhile, Jeong Il-woo is taking a break after the end of the drama "49 Days" and is looking through his next activity.

Source: (Korean)
Credit to

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